before you follow
i livetweet often
i tweet in caps (not tagged)
not often but i tweet untagged nsfw sometimes
i am ok with kys/die jokes
please use tone indicators if its anything like jokingly saying you dont like me
do not jokingly make fun/say anything about my spelling unless we are close

do not follow if
under 14 or above 25 unless i follow first (current moots are fine)
if you support jschlatt, minx, fundy, kaceytron
if you are or support anyone in fltwt or poppytwt
anti my favs

my favs

dream sapnap george tina karl sam and colby foolish ldshadowlady sturniolo triplets rainbolt corpsebold = hypfix

star lex vee nat cassy grace dd michelle syn nana nox kale astrc dove chaeri nir ezria alessia


i dont support the problematic things my stans have done and i hold them accountable
please tag sh and any type of abuse